My decision to have a 3rd baby impacted everything. I was already struggling to take care of the 2 children I had. For me, a third baby seemed extremely hard if not impossible with no help. Hope Clinic helped with the things my son needed coming into the world. I had absolutely nothing for a third baby—no kind of baby items. Hope Clinic helped get what I needed and more. They had classes, counseling, and mentoring. It was all free! And in exchange I received much needed diapers, wipes, clothes and other essential baby items. Hope Clinic also helped my emotional heath so I could bring a healthy baby into the world.
Throughout my whole pregnancy the staff and volunteers at Hope Clinic made me and all my children feel like family each and every time we were there. They reached out to me even in my most devastating time of finding out something was wrong with my son. It was a hard time having a child in the NICU and their calls comforted me. They had volunteers deliver meals for me and my children after the baby was born.
I love Hope Clinic after feeling that no one loved me and my children. Hope Clinic shows me what love is, no matter the circumstance. Now I have the tools I need to be a great mom to my children. Without the loving care Hope Clinic has shown me, I don’t know where I would be. Hope Clinic is my hope no matter how many children I have or what life circumstances I am in.
Thank you!