This is a very real example of crisis and also a very real example of how it can hit anyone at anytime. You can’t plan perfectly for it and you can’t react perfectly to it. I for one, have been really blessed to see the community of Nashville gracefully respond as just that: a community.
Timely enough, tomorrow is the National Day of Prayer. I know there are so many global crises taking place, ranging from the oil spil off the Gulf of Mexico, to the straggling repercussions of the earthquake in Haiti, to the continued economic hardship in our country. Now, add a Nashville flood that has stolen lives and homes unexpectedly…literally a mess.
So much of what we do here at the Clinic has been founded on and fueled by prayer; it is our most valuable player in day to day activities every year. Please join us, along with millions across the country, in this amazing and powerful opportunity to make a difference. Even just ten minutes set aside to pray in the car on the way to work or during lunch is all it takes! I think it is very fair to say our Hope can only rest in Him.
“The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in Him.” Nahum 1:7