She learned about Hope Clinic from her boyfriend: “For me, Hope Clinic was very supportive right from the beginning. I never felt judged. Everyone was so friendly, so nice. It was clear they actually cared about me. When I first arrived, all I did was cry. I was in between jobs, living with my boyfriend’s mom and stepdad. It was just overwhelming. We talked about all of our options but realized that even with the difficult circumstances and uncertainty, we wanted to be parents. I began counseling with Kelsey and she helped me in so many ways. I learned about using ‘I’ statements, how to better communicate with the father of the baby, and ways to deal with stress with breathing exercises, walking and other relaxing hobbies. I also took so many classes at Hope Clinic! Couponing, baby safety, nursing, CPR and even met with the Mom’s Group and Postpartum Depression group. In the last 2 years I have taken advantage of all of the resources Hope Clinic offered and it was all free! And in exchange I was able to get diapers, wipes and clothes to last me this entire last year. Not only that, but I got a level of support I wasn’t getting anywhere else.”
Today: Galilee and her boyfriend are no longer dating, but they are learning to co-parent together. She is still close with his mother (Scarlett’s grandmother). She is soon moving closer to her family in Clarksville but will continue her job at the YMCA working in the nursery (where she receives free daycare!).
What she thinks of her daughter Scarlett: “I never thought I could love another human being this much. She is my best friend right now and I love being with her, kissing her, just living life with her. I really can’t put into words how much I love her. She has completely changed me. I was kind of a workaholic before this and now because of her I realized I need to slow down and enjoy life. Scarlett is amazing. She knows what she wants, she is lovable. Loves music, playing in the bath and with her little friends at the Y. She loves all her family too. Most days I look at her and think: what did I do to deserve you?”